Monday, September 29, 2014

College Inc. Response

Gerald Lappay

RWS 100

Professor Werry

September 29, 2014

College Inc. Response

     In my 12th grade statistics class, a good portion of it was dedicated to college knowledge and 

financial literacy. Words such as "default", "deferment", and concepts such as "loan forgiveness" and 

"wage garnishment" were commonly used. I'm no stranger to them now; which is good for me 

because I understand almost all of terminology used in College Inc. The first two-thirds of 

College Inc talk about the head honchos behind for-profit colleges -- how and why they milk money

 out of the financial illiterate and those who can pull large sums of money from college loans. They 

use call-centers, provocative advertisements, and sometimes get straight to the point and guilt trip 

their targets into submission. All of these, from a purely business standpoint, are very good ways to 

get what the CEOs and investors want -- capital. Ideally, I want to write my paper about for-profit

colleges in the viewpoint of the investors. Why they decided to invest in companies such as EDMC, 

how much profit do they earn, and their opinions on the future of for-profit colleges are the questions 

and subjects I [tentatively] wish to cover in my paper.

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