Saturday, October 4, 2014

"Light" Homework

Gerald Lappay

RWS 100

Professor Werry

October 4, 2014

"Light" Homework

1. List the three main claims Carey gives in the first half of the text suggesting there are problems with for-profit universities, and kinds of the evidence provided for each claim (this can be a list, with just a sentence for each claim and type of evidence).
  • Claim 1: For-profit colleges obtain large amounts of money from the federal government. (Pell Grants & Subsidized Loans, 90/10 Rule, Default Rates)
  • Claim 2: Many students who attend for-profits end up defaulting. (Large default rates, Clifford interview, "Nunn hearings on steroids")
  • Claim 3: For-profits are relatively new, but rapidly growing ("mom-and-pop trade schools", "few years ago")
2. List the three main claims Carey gives in the second half of the text suggesting public universities have caused many of the problems for profits seek to remedy.
  • Claim 1: For-profits make up for what traditional higher institutions lack ("Gilded city-states", "Fast developing methods", For-profits still have accreditation) 
  • Claim 2: Traditional universities lack evidence to bash for-profits.
  • Claim 3: "Who else was willing to save them?"
3. List one element of Carey's  text you would like to investigate - a claim, some evidence, a strategy, etc.

  • I'd like to investigate some sob-stories from victims of these for-profits. I intend to use my knowledge about federal jargon from my 12th grade statistics class in my paper.

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