Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Elements, Comments, and Complications

Identify an element in “For-Profit Colleges Deserve Some Respect,” by Seiden that extends, complicates, challenges, qualifies or illustrates a claim (or piece of evidence) in Carey.

Seiden's "Key Criticisms of the Industry", particularly the ones about student drop-out rates and aggressive marketing can extend the claims made in paragraph five of Carey's piece.

Identify an element in For-Profit Colleges, Vulnerable G.I.’s,” by Holly Perteaus that extends, complicates, challenges, qualifies or illustrates a claim (or piece of evidence) in Carey.

Perteaus' mentioning of the funds recieved via military education benefits supports Carey's paragraph four, which talks about For-Profits' sources of capital.

Find a quote from one or two comments that extends, complicates, challenges or illustrates a claim (or piece of evidence) in Carey.

This whole comment challenges Carey's "filling the void" metaphor.

Quoted by Erin Moore
I have been a student with Ashford for almost four months now, and I am going to be withdrawing. I knew something was wrong when I had to find out that there was going to be a technology fee of $1,247.00 from another student on the University’s facebook page. This fee was going to be taken from my first stipend check, and my financial aid adviser did not tell me about it at all. I asked at least two times if there were going to be any fees for anything at all and I was told NO.
I made a total of four calls and 3 emails to my financial aid adviser about the fee. After 2 1/2 weeks, I finally get a call. When I asked why I was not told about the technology fee, I was told, “This is outlined in the student handbook”. My jaw just about dropped. Well, of course, I should have sat down and read the entirety of the handbook, however, when I asked if there were going to be any fees, the FA’s job IS to inform me of any and all fees. Period. Regardless of where they put it in writing, the FA should have told me. So after that issue, I didn’t feel like I could trust Ashford, and since then I have had a gnawing feeling in my stomach about going to school here.
When I posed a complaint on the Ashford facebook page, I was told by a group of “regulars” that post there every day that it was MY problem that I didn’t know there was a tech fee, and that it was in the student handbook. I was quite curious about the fact that these 3 posters on facebook were parroting exactly what the FA had told me on the phone. So I started to watch the page a little, and I noticed something fishy. That these 3 posters claimed to be students, all having gotten their Bachelor’s and were all working toward a Masters but they seemed to have time to post and field complaints such as mine all day long. This is not an exaggeration. Any time a student posted a complaint about FA, they were were right there, answering the question and defending Ashford’s policies. I have seen these people out and out BLAME the student who complained in the first place. The other day I noted a woman who said she started in March 2012, and that as of June 2012, still has not received a stipend on the 100% plan. She stated she needed the money to get a laptop for school. Shortly after, the group of 3 chime in and start accusing her that she’s in school just for the stipend checks. It was awful. After watching these 3 for sometime, I have come to the conclusion that they are NOT Ashford students. They are hired employees to pose as students on the facebook site to answer and defend Ashford’s policies. It’s just uncanny, and it’s so obvious what is taking place.
Aside from this, I’m withdrawing and going to a brick and mortar school. I’m done with the ridiculous discussion posting assignments each week, where I have to post among students who are genuinely illiterate and can barely spell and write in complete sentences. In my ENG121 course, my instructor teaches students in her “guidance” with a sock monkey puppet on youtube video with her or her husband making a “muppet voice”.
I’m done with the dishonesty and the silliness.

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